Product review: perfect pack for your health

Product review: perfect pack for your health
Creative Nutrition Solutions

In the days where every commercial you see on the tube is either skin care or supplements, how does one navigate through the crap? 

*This blog won't disrespect any other brand, these are my opinions*

No question, supplements have a lot of gray area. Whether the speculation come from FDA approval or effectiveness, a lot of it is justified. 

I understand your confusion. If you haven't had a chance, check out 4 Things You Need To Know About Supplements

We're here to talk about perfect pack though! Here we go! 

Let's start with the brand. Nutrilite started in 1939. They've been around a little bit. They pride themselves on quality and delivering fresh plant concentrates that come from certified organic farms. They even own the farms around the farms so nobody can spray stuff on the farms! Your supplements can be tracked from seed to harvest, does your supplement do that? Whewww! That's a lot! 

What do you get in the Perfect pack?

Nutrilite Double X- Multivitamin/ Multi-Mineral formula with 22 vitamins/minerals and 20 plant concentrates! 

Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables- Nutrients of 10+ servings of Fruits and Vegetables in 2 tablets! 

Nutrilite- Ocean Essentials Omega 3 formula- Like eating 4+ servings of Ocean Fish. 

This product isn't for everyone. This is for a person who's serious about supplementation. An ideal candidate for this product would be someone who already is investing in their health. They prefer plant based supplements over chemical based counterparts. They don't like to be ill. In my humble opinion, I believe this is the "Lexus of vitamins"

I've noticed increased energy, shortened recovery, reduced blood pressure, and I  haven't gotten sick. I take, thoroughly enjoy, and recommend this Perfect Pack for your Health. Here's to your health friends. 

I am Meek and I approve this message! 

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